Genre: Dramödie
Year of production: 2019
Tv channel: DEGETO/WDR
Direction: Lars Montag
Book: Sathyan Ramesh
Cast: Armin Rohde, Heiko Pinkowski, Karsten Antionia Mielke, Tim Kalkhof, Eugene Boateng, Jule
Böwe, Hildegard Schroedter
Producers: Arno Ortmair, Monika Raebel
Team/Cast: ImdB
Carlo runs an old-fashioned auto repair shop that has few orders. To avoid having to lay off his veteran buddies, he has not paid taxes. Now Carlo has to pay back taxes: 50,000€ in 12 weeks. To get out of the mess, Carlo settles on a seemingly unwinnable bet with the adjacent gym owner. He gets fifty thousand if he and his buddies manage to make it to the finish line in this year's marathon. If not, the garage is his. But it's not just about money, but also about love, friendship and the future, which is given new impetus by the disaster.